Advancing Complex Biologics into Real Treatments: Technologies...
Wednesday April 9, 2025 12:30pm - 12:50pm EDT
Drug discovery and development are complex and require significant resources, expertise, and time. With the industry becoming more and more competitive, pharmaceutical companies need to utilize new approaches to launch products more efficiently. However, companies are still met with obstacles from regulatory guidelines to recruitment of clinical trials to other market competition

Join us as for this insightful conversation with pharma executive(s) to explore key barriers in advancing new treatments and how to navigate the uncertainty through the late phase clinical trials to launch. This session will explore how the pros and cons of leveraging cutting-edge technology to overcome challenges in the late phase and launch treatments and bring life-saving treatments to patients faster.
avatar for Jennifer Michaelson

Jennifer Michaelson

Chief Scientific Officer, Cullinan Therapeutics
Jennifer Michaelson is a biotech executive with 20+ years of industry experience in oncology, immunology, and immune-oncology drug development. Prior to joining Cullinan Therapeutics, Jennifer participated in the launch of Jounce Therapeutics, where she built and led multiple departments... Read More →
Wednesday April 9, 2025 12:30pm - 12:50pm EDT

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